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Tartine Bakery & Pie in Itaewon

I always had a special thing for pie, even though I never had many chances to eat it often. When, a few weeks ago, I wrote a blog post about a pie cafe in Gangnam, a colleague mentioned Tartine, a bakery in Itaewon where I could get really good, albeit a bit expensive, pie. To be honest, I wasn't 100% satisfied with Crispy Pie because they were too crispy, just as the name suggested. I like myself a softer crust with mushier fillings that just melt in your mouth. When I finally had the chance to try Tartine, I sincerely hoped it would be the type of pie I was looking for, because it's seriously so difficult to find in Seoul. If it's in Seoul at all, though, chances are it will be in Itaewon.

All pies are splendidly on display, so we can check out all the flavors that are available before even going in. I think the place has two separate buildings; we entered the one with the display window. Each pie is about the size of a spread-out palm. The cafe also sells assorted pastries/cakes and muffins, as well as beverages.

They provide an English menu with all the drinks. There's also a menu with a full list of pies, after which I saw I was completely ecstatic to learn that they also had coconut cream pie and lemon meringue, which was unfortunately sold out. They have my favorite pumpkin pie as well, which is a seasonal menu.

Strawberry rhubarb pie


Butter tart

We ended up ordering the strawberry rhubarb, butter tart, and nanaimo - very Canadian choices, especially the nanaimo, which was Austin's choice. I'd never heard of it before, and when I had my first bite I was mind blown! It was the the perfect combination of chocolate and coconut. Coconut is not such a popular flavor here in Korea, God knows why, so I was more than pleasantly surprised and glad I learned that there were such desserts available in Korea. The butter tart was tasty, but nothing too extraordinary. I choose the strawberry rhubarb because I'd never tried rhubarb before and was feeling unnecessarily adventurous. My opinion?

Meh. It was OK. Thank goodness the strawberry was there, because the rhubarb was definitely not my type. It was... a bit sour, a bit bitter, and it looked like bits of celery. At least I can say I've tried it and got it over with. I don't particularly dislike it; if I wanted pie and this was the only one available, I'd still eat it. The texture of it was just perfect, and even though they were insanely expensive I would still eat here again. I think next time I'll try something safe, like fudge or cream cheese or cherry pie.


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