I've been googling the brand name of this milk tea since I couldn't read the bottle, but whatever, the picture should pretty much speak for itself. It's a brand of bottled milk tea from Taiwan and slowly gaining popularity in Korea as well. They get sold out pretty quickly, so when my colleague found three different flavors at the convenience store, she immediately bought all of them. And naturally, this caught my attention and I asked if I could buy one from her and taste it myself. ^_^ The shape of the bottle is quite peculiar and not what you'd normally use for a beverage. When I first saw it I thought it was a cosmetic product or something. I think it would feel a bit more comfortable if I were to pour it separately into a cup before drinking it, because drinking straight from a bottle which looks like that, just doesn't feel right. Nevertheless, it tasted quite lovely and very rich, much more authentic than the Korean milk tea cartons sold in conven...
샘물 (SAEMMUL): n. Springwater