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Showing posts from August, 2016

Weight Loss Journey Starts NOW!

I've been working out with a personal trainer for about two months now. After an InBody (body composition analyzer) checkup, I was genuinely shocked at how high my body fat percentage was, and how little muscle I had. I felt overweight (still do) and sluggish, and just weak all the time. I wanted some sort of positive change, and I thought spending a large sum of money might help me get my shit together and start actually doing something about my problem for a change.

Jilhal Bros Seoul - Not Exactly The Halal Guys But Close Enough

If you've ever been to NYC, chances are you have tried The Halal Guys at 53rd and 6th, or anything similar from the many many food carts located around the city. That shit is like CRACK it's so addictive - it's super delicious, hearty, flavorful, savory, and affordable. It's a taste you just can't forget, even years after you move back to Korea.

Cafe Puzzle in Hongdae - where you literally can do jigsaw puzzles!

Dates can be so much more than just dinner and a movie, and Seoul is one of the best cities to find different unique and fun activities to share with your significant other. While Navering (in Korea, Naver still outbeats Google) things to do around Hongdae, I came across Cafe Puzzle, which literally is a cafe with lots and lots of jigsaw puzzles! Located just 3 minutes from Hongdae subway station exit 9, this is a perfect way to spend a relaxing two hours with friends or dates - even better, you don't have to sit and try to make conversation, and it's completely okay to be silent and absorbed in the puzzle.