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Showing posts from July, 2016

Where can I get coconut cream cake in Korea? Pls help.

No seriously tho. I've never tasted it before but I have this massive inexplicable craving for coconut cream cake, and it's killing me. I first came across it when reading "The Reptile Room," the second book in A Series of Unfortunate Events... which I read when I was a kid, and didn't give much thought to. And then for some reason I got all nostalgic a couple of years ago and read the whole series again, and when I read about this coconut cream cake, I wanted to taste it so bad and I've been thinking about it ever since. I mean, if it's got coconut, and if it's creamy, and if it's cake, it's gotta be heavenly, right? THIS is the type I want. Source:

Philip Pullman - His Dark Materials

Recently I finished a series called "His Dark Materials" by Philip Pullman, recommended to me by my friend Evan who had said he considered this as good as Harry Potter; which, to me, means "fucking awesome" and "timeless classic". And since Evan seems to be the type to understand that you can't compare something to Harry Potter unless it's really really good, I figured it would be worth a try.

Brazilian Wax in Korea at [Beauty Friends Gangnam]

A girl's first bikini wax, let alone Brazilian, can be quite daunting. If you're well aware of the sensations from plucking your eyebrows, or have tried strip waxing on safer areas like the legs or arms, you would surely be intimidated by the mere thought of having that exact sharp and prickly pain brought upon your most intimate area, where the skin is much thinner and super sensitive. That being said, I have no idea what I was thinking when I went for the all-nude Brazilian wax instead of going for standard bikini on my first try. But anyhow, since I've got my first experience out of the way, it doesn't seem like such a big deal.

[Beijing Trip 2016] Day 5 - Yonghegong

WOW. Two months have passed since my Beijing trip and I am finally writing the blog post for my last day. I honestly cannot say what made me procrastinate this much, but what can I say? Life happened, I was busy, blah blah blah. So sadly, my fifth day is not as fresh in my mind as it would have been if I weren't this lazy, but oh well. At least I'm still taking a moment out of my hectic life to document my last day.