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Daejang Sarang: The Secret to FANTASTIC Poop

I swear by Daejang Sarang. Not even kidding. Before I dive into why and what this product is, let me just say: a few years ago I'd written a blog post about a laxative called Good Morning S that I found incredible... and I changed my mind. For one thing, laxatives are for one time use; it's a temporary solution. Secondly, after a few more uses I found that this particular laxative was painful after all. It made my poop runny all day and I felt awful at the end of the day.

Then I came across Daejang Sarang (대장사랑). This is more of a supplement that can be taken daily and is made to improve your intestine in general. It's made from natural ingredients (mainly plaintain bark) so it's quite safe to take. I found out about it while translating the brand intro for their website, and looking through their reviews, the product seemed too good to be true. But since I am always on the lookout for something that might solve my constipation, I decided to give it a try.

And BRUH. This stuff is legit. So at first they recommend you take it twice a day, once in the morning and once before bed... and then after a month you can just take it before bed. It's best to take it with at least 300 ml of warm water, and this I follow religiously. And the results? Poop like I've never seen before. This might be TMI, but I like to inspect my poop before flushing just to see what the condition is like. After all, they do say you can find out a lot about a person's health by looking at their poop. And after Daejang Sarang, my poop was beautiful. It was pure perfection. There's just no other way to describe it. My poop started coming out so effortlessly, so smoothly, so painlessly, and nearly every single day. My stools looked like a freaking anaconda. Or an eel. Or a mini dragon. Nice and long and thick (that's what she said). And I couldn't stop gushing about to everyone I knew.

I am very proud to say that I've convinced quite a number of people to start taking Daejang Sarang as well, and everyone single one saw fantastic results. Regardless of age; mind you, this product is suitable for teenagers and grannies alike. One friend even said they should award the creators a Nobel prize. That's how AMAZING it is.

The best part is that it's very affordable. A little over 34,000 KRW or around $30 USD for 30 packets (good for one month). Now that I poop fairly well, I only take it when my poop isn't at its best, so one box lasts me two months or longer. You can order it online... although it seems to be sold out on their English site. If you can speak Korean or know someone who does, you should order it from their Korean online store: and thank me later.

You're welcome.


  1. Would we be able to run a in sim we trust "Like and Share to Win" style challenge on our Facebook page?


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