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Colin Firth = Sexiest Man Alive

New background picture. I haven't fan-girled over an actor in years! Makes me feel so young. :D

So I just came back from watching Kingsman with my mom and aunt. I could see why all my coworkers were gushing over him and telling me I had to watch this film. The genre really isn't my type; I don't like spy movies or action and all that (especially the kind of movie where the main character fights three gazillion people and doesn't even get fazed), but I have to admit this was FUN! The music, the actors, the story - which got a bit confusing at one point - were all exciting, funny, and got my adrenaline pumping. The suspense kept my palms sweaty for more than one scene, and when the movie was all over I felt I'd laughed and squealed away a considerable chunk of my stress.

And Colin Firth. When did he get so hot? I thought he was okay at best, a bit dull for my type in Love Actually, The King's Speech, Mamma Mia, Pride and Prejudice, Bridget Jones... but I never thought of him as this sexy until today. Maybe it's because of the role he played. But mostly, I think he's the type of actor who gets more attractive with age. That, and he looks incredibly classy in a suit.

Hmm... now that I think about it, all the actors I'd ever found really attractive are all on the older side. Vincent Cassell. Kevin Spacey. Anthony Hopkins. I'm not sure why, though a part of me thinks I'm looking for what's lacking in my own father, both physically and mentally, if that makes any sense. Maturity and sophistication are both major turn ons for me, both of which I don't think I was exposed to much from the men back home. And I just think older appearances in general give off a sense of stability and responsibility, which are also factors I long for in a partner and lack myself. Or maybe I'm just into really good, experienced actors. I probably have no idea what I'm talking about.

Getting back to the movie, I've been thinking that the story actually doesn't seem so far-fatched. Er... minus all the impeccable fighting techniques (haha). Haven't we all heard one or more conspiracy theories about population control? About how people in power are deriving some sort of plan to completely take over the world, and things like that? I felt a bit paranoid while and after watching. Who knows what motives are behind seemingly philanthropic gestures? The sim card thing sounds very probable to me (though maybe not on such a crazy, beat-each-other-up sort of scale), and very scary too.

Anyway. As my mom jokingly remarked on our way home, "the moral of the story is: beware of free things." ^_^ She also mentioned that the movie reminded her of Brave New World by Huxley, which I haven't read yet. I'm curious now, so I think I'll download it on my Kindle later tonight!


  1. Never knew you were THIS funny, Saem. Lol.

    Having a ball of a time reading your banterings. Such humour. Haha ...

    Love, Steve


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